Brand, Business, Career, Ergoline, Ergoline, Island Sun Times, Leadership, Social Media, Success, Tanning, Training, Uncategorized

What the Best Do Better

‘What is it that sets a regular business owner apart from the pack, and turns them into industry leaders?’ It’s an insightful question, and one that left me rather reflective, regarding the diverse avenues through which leadership is expressed. Nevertheless, there are a few common themes that I have come to recognize throughout the years and through our valued partnerships the most successful brands in the business.
Engaged Leaders: the best and brightest brands, and those with staying power have leaders that are fully engaged with the business, with the brand, and with the customer experience. Whether individually owned or part of a franchise organization, engaged leaders know every customer touchpoint is an important lever of experience and success. A lack of insight from leadership into essential processes or customer touchpoints in the business filters down through all levels of staff, operations and longevity, thus creating a blind spot. This doesn’t mean that an engaged leader is working the desk or washing towels every day, but it means they probably have, and still know how to use the washing machine.

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